Here are some of the most common questions we get asked to help give you more information about Horse Insurance.
If you have any questions that have not been answered here, please don't hesitate to get in contact with our team.
To find out more about suitable horse insurance options you can reach out to our team on 03 8699 8890 or fill out an enquiry form here.
Yes, we can assist each individual shareholder to insure their share separately.
If your horse is ill or injured you should contact your Veterinarian to seek immediate treatment for your horse. If you have a current insurance policy, you will need to notify the insurer as soon as possible. Coverforce can assist with notifications and claims, further information is available in the Claims section of this website.
If you face the unfortunate circumstance that your horse is found deceased, please notify your broker immediately. A post-mortem report is typically required to confirm the cause of death. We are here to support you so if you have any concerns please contact us.
Most policies will allow for multiple horses to be included on one policy. We can also typically make changes throughout the year if you buy another horse(s) or sell a horse(s). Contact us for further information about your policy.
Coverforce Partners Pty Ltd
Phone: 03 8699 8890
Postal Address:
Level 5 / 11 Eastern Road
South Melbourne, VIC, 3205
Copyright © 2023 Coverforce Partners Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.